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Rosacea and couperose

Unpleasant and painful

Rosacea is a chronic and inflammatory skin disease that progresses in phases.

It is also called rosacea or couperose (in its early stages) .


Typical are redness, dilated capillaries, blisters, especially on the face. However, bulbous enlargements can also occur, especially on the nose. The eyes can be affected in rosacea, for example by inflammation. 


Those affected suffer from itching and pain, and the cosmetic impairment is also a burden. The disease is not contagious.


A notice:


Because rosacea causes inflammatory skin changes similar to acne, the disease used to be incorrectly called "acne rosacea". Unlike acne, rosacea does not form blackheads. If you observe the typical rosacea symptoms and blackheads at the same time, you are probably suffering from a mixed form.


Find out here in this blog how you can improve the appearance of your skin, how nutrition influences rosacea and numerous tips and tricks for your care routine.


Click here and see before / after successes with our derma organic line I SOS skincare!

What are the causes of rosacea?

It is not entirely clear why rosacea develops. An interaction of several factors is assumed.


The following factors may play a role, for example:


  • disorders of the immune system,

  • family predisposition (inheritance),

  • changes in vascular regulation,

  • Inflammatory reactions to germs in the skin,
    e.g. demodex mites,

  • UV light.

Women get sick more often than men. The development of nodular changes in the skin (phymas) occurs predominantly in men. The onset of the disease is often between the ages of 30 and 50.


What symptoms can occur?

Symptoms of rosacea are varied.

They can develop slowly and progressively. Complaints can also appear in relapsing form.

They and their course are individually very different. For example, not all symptoms have to occur.

But they can occur at the same time.


It comes under otherrem to:

  • Redness, especially in the central area of the face, eg on the nose and cheeks.
    These occur, inter alia, in paroxysms (flush) and can prolong.
    Dilated veins are also visible (telangiectasia). Redness can increase and persist as the disease progresses.


  • Inflammatory vesicles, papules, pustules. These also occur primarily in the central facial area. They can increase as the disease progresses.

  • Enlargements and thickenings.
    Tissue enlargement occurs. The skin is thick and has large pores. Edema can also occur. Changes or enlargements are particularly evident on the nose. The bulbous thickening of the nose is called a rhinophyma.

  • Symptoms of the eyes.
    Veins on the lid and the edge of the lid may be visible. The eyes can water, burn, itch, redden. A foreign body sensation is possible. Sensitivity to light also occurs. Inflammations affect the edges of the lids, lids and eyes, for example in the form of stye, chalazion, conjunctivitis or corneal inflammation.


In addition, the skin can generally be dry, burn and flake. She can be very sensitive.
Swelling of the face is also possible. Due to the visibility of symptoms on the face, the condition can be very distressing.


Which skin regions are affected?

Rosacea occurs on the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. Less frequently, the chest region, the upper part of the back or the hairless scalp are also involved.


Rosacea occurs in varying degrees of severity, which can range from a preliminary stage with temporary redness (rosacea diathesis) to severity III with connective tissue, sometimes tuberous changes.

What stimuli can trigger rosacea?

Certain stimuli may be involved in rosacea. These are also referred to as triggers. They can trigger and aggravate symptoms. They are individually different.

These include, among other things:


  • heat or cold,

  • UV light,

  • hot drinks,

  • hot spices and greasy foods,

  • Alcohol,

  • lovely cosmetics/soaps,

  • Coffee, 

  • physical exertion,

  • Stress,

  • Nicotine.

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How is rosacea treated?


Rosacea symptoms can often be kept to a tolerable level by avoiding triggering or promoting factors, using special medication and the right cosmetic care. If left untreated, rosacea usually gets worse in stages.

In addition to or as an alternative to drug treatment, other therapy methods are available. These include sclerotherapy, photodynamic therapy, and surgery.

How to treat rosacea yourself?

A first step in treating rosacea is to avoid things that contribute to the onset or worsening of symptoms.


This applies in particular to diet and environmental factors to which the skin is exposed, for example intense sunlight or temperature fluctuations, as well as the right skin care to support it.


Dermaroller against couperose and rosacea

For a long time, couperose or rosacea could not be treated sustainably by dermatologists. With microneedling, however, there is now a way of putting an end to the insidious skin disorder as soon as it develops.

With the Dermaroller, affected skin areas can be treated in a targeted manner until the skin's overall appearance is stabilized and balanced again.


To do this, the epidermis is literally perforated with the help of small needles; the fabric is heavily stressed. Redness is even more pronounced, the rosacea seems to be blossoming.


Now the desired healing process begins. The body itself ensures that the smallest injuries are repaired as quickly as possible. Special growth factors are therefore released deep in the skin – so-called haemostasis begins. In the process, the skin builds itself up from the inside out.


Desired result: New, healthy stem cells develop within the dermis and epidermis. Particular plasma proteins (collagen, fibrin and elastin) are also formed. They are stored in the epithelial tissue. Microneedling is therefore used specifically to regenerate the skin from deep within. Piece by piece, new, resistant and strengthened tissue develops. The skin thickness also increases.


Natural skincare products such as aloe vera and creams with a high water content are supportive.

For this we have our Derma Bio line I SOS skin care developed.


What you should pay attention to with microneedling and step-by-step instruction you can find here.

Pause microneedling for active flare-ups and acne.

How the dermaroller helps with rosacea:

  • works completely naturally by stimulating the self-healing powers

  • stimulates the formation of healthy stem cells

  • has a positive effect on the build-up of collagen and elastin

  • makes redness disappear naturally

  • can be combined with a vasoconstrictor cream

  • also tightens the skin layer

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Proper skin care for rosacea


In many cases, regular skin care for rosacea supports treatment with medication and/or other therapy methods. On the other hand, certain ingredients and improper use of care products can irritate the skin and thus increase the symptoms.


The following tips can help:


  • Clean the facial skin with lukewarm water only. Extreme water temperatures and rapid changes in temperature promote sudden reddening of the skin ("flushing").

  • Avoid using chemical facial peels, as they further irritate rosacea skin.

  • Use exclusively skincare and washing products without menthol, camphor, sodium lauryl sulfate. 

  • Avoid water with a high degree of hardness if possible.

  • After washing, gently pat the skin dry with a towel instead of rubbing.

  • use a facial cleanser with a slightly acidic pH.

  • Use a mineral sunscreen daily all year round.

Before / after examples with our derma organic line I SOS skincare:

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